Personal Needs Loans

Personal Needs Loans assist individuals or families in affording necessary living expenses, special needs related expenses, relieve financial debt burdens, or take advantage of special opportunities.

General Personal Needs (Up to $3,500)

Assistance with used vehicles purchase, new home, moving expenses, car repairs, and utilities are just a few of the expenses in this loan category.

Includes investing in computer or other communications equipment, traveling to Israel, or other opportunities that could be job related or heritage strengthening.

Generally, personal needs loans may not be used to cover litigation costs and/or attorney fees.

Special Needs (Up to $7,500)

Get help managing the expenses associated with a wide range of special needs. Loans can help pay for treatment of mental health challenges, cognitive issues, developmental differences, or physical disabilities. Needs might include tutoring and educational assistance, medical equipment, physical rehabilitation, travel to treatment centers, and more. Assistance is available for yourself or a loved one.

Debt Consolidation (Up to $10,000)

Find relief from the burden of high-interest debt and get on the road to financial health. If your credit cards have become unmanageable and you don’t see a way out, we may be able to help you lower your payments and get out of debt more quickly.

Loan proceeds are paid directly to creditor/source of need – not to Borrower. May require financial counseling at least 2 times during term of loan.

At Hebrew Free Loan of San Diego, we rely on guarantors instead of collateral to secure your loan. A guarantor is someone who can guarantee to pay back the loan if you do not. A guarantor is at least 25 years old, lives in California and has a credit score of 670 or better. A friend, family member or employer are examples of a guarantor.