As you complete the online application for your interest-free loan, you can save your work at any time and complete the process later. Once you click on the “Save” button in the application, you will receive an email with a link to your saved application. We recommend having the following information handy:
- Social Security number
- Driver’s license number
- Employer contact information
- Monthly salary (net and gross)
- Current assets and liabilities, and their respective monetary value (if you have credit card debt, we will need the balance due, actual monthly payment amounts and interest rates for each card)
If you have difficulty answering a specific question, feel free to explain your concern in one of the comment boxes throughout the application. You may also phone us at (858) 345-8018 if you need clarification.
This application will not “time-out” on you, so please take your time completing it.
*Student, Business, Adoption and Homebuyer interest-free loan may require further information.